What is POCSO ?

The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act is a law in India that aims to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation. It defines sexual abuse as any sexual activity with a person under the age of 18, including but not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, and child pornography.

The POCSO Act was introduced in 2012 in response to increasing reports of sexual crimes against children in the country. It provides for harsh punishments for offenders, including imprisonment and fines, and also includes provisions for the protection of child victims during court proceedings.

The Act also requires mandatory reporting of any suspected sexual abuse of a child, and establishes special courts to handle POCSO cases. It further provides for medical and psychological assistance for victims, and allows for the protection of their identity.

While the POCSO Act has been praised for its efforts to protect vulnerable children, there have also been criticisms of its implementation, including low conviction rates and delayed justice. However, continued efforts to improve implementation of the Act remain crucial in protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse.

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